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Film 3: Welcome

Below is images or some of the research i did into an idea for the history film i was possibly going to make.

Film 3: Text
Film 3: Gallery


I had big plans for my final film, I knew exactly what I wanted to make and was really looking forward to it. I had collaborated with another class mate and he wrote the script for me and I had planned a lot. I was getting ready for locations and actors, when the country went into lock down and it was no longer an option to make this film. I’m going to do another evaluation on that film. Due to having that film so far along in planning I found it hard to know what kind of film to do in quarantine.
At first I thought to do a film about being in quarantine but then thought and had seen that there were so many out there that it might get a bit old. Next I thought of doing a history peace this way I could possibly get around copyright issues I have had in the past and history is also a topic I really enjoy.  I wasn’t sure what history topic to choose but have always wanted to learn more about the Tsar and the Russian revolution. I started watching other Youtube videos on the topics and looking up information on the internet. The more I researched the more I wasn’t sure how to create a video on it I tried to narrow it down by choosing what happened to the Romanovs and then I tried to narrow it down even more by just choosing the Anastasia conspiracy that she survived. But finding the right footage that would make a story and not infringe copyright showed to be very hard it was hard enough finding it without worrying about copyright.
I kept thinking how was I going to do this final film and I was watching some random Youtube video and scrolling through some random facts which I do quite often and realised how entertaining it was. Looking at some very random facts that I didn’t know. I  just keep going and when I got to the end, I would look for more. So this was how I thought of creating a fun fact video. Doing this would also allow me to work on my editing skills as the have been lacking before, so this video would be rather simple so that I could play about with things that I struggle with. I think with my editing skill level, I was being too ambitions before , there is nothing wrong with that but I think trying to edit it would of made me rather stressed because I didn’t really know what I was doing.
I found 10 facts that I thought was weird, fun and what I thought people really would not know. When I had the facts, I tried to find footage that went with them. The most challenging part was making all the facts readable. I found a font that I thought was quite fun but so people could read it. I have had comments on font choices before and people wanting me to use better ones, before I had no idea how to change the font or play around with it at all so this time I had fun with it and took full advantage. When I first watched it though the colour of the text was hard to read on some of the fact’s I tried to move them about and bring the brightness down however this didn’t work, this is when I looked at how to change the colour. I really played around with it and made them all readable and I think made the video less dull and more fun because the text is bright and colourful through out the video.   
I found it hard to make this video very long because it will get boring after a while due to the reading, that’s why I kept it down to 10 facts. If I made a film like this in the future, I might get someone to commentate over the top and explain the facts in more detail. I would choose a commentary because reading can get a bit boring very quickly and can sometimes be rather difficult. This would also make the video longer.
In conclusion I was very sad I couldn’t make the film I originally planned because it was going to be very fun and it was going to be something I hadn’t done before however I did really enjoy making my short fact video it was fun playing about with something and trying to learn some new editing skill that have been asked of me before as feedback from a previous film.

Film 3: Text

I got alot of my facts from a website called best life. here are a few i didnt include

1: Grapes light on fire in the microwave

2: Spaghetto, confetto, and graffito are the singular forms of spaghetti, confetti, and graffiti.


3:The 1939 novel Gadsby is the longest book ever published that doesn't contain the letter 'e.'


4:The first item sold on eBay was a broken laser pointer.


Film 3: Text
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